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Boothstraat 17

Originally from Berlin but largely shaped by her nomadic upbringing all around Europe,
LLouise is a singer/songwriter on the rise. Her music is an intimate peek into conflict,
connection and exploration of the self, combining the poetic imagery of Feist and
the unique vocal control of Madison Cunningham.Her debut EP White Linen was released at
the beginning of 2023, and she is soon to begin recording her debut album, Trick Of The Light.

LLouise is currently focusing on writing and performing with a fresh angle on
atmosphere and storytelling, blending her experiences growing up between Germany,
England, Spain and Italy and completing a jazz education in a conservatory in the Netherlands. She splits her time between solo performing and the new LLouise band,
which was debuted on the 23rd of June 2023 with a grand show in ZIMIHC Theater
Zuilen, for which she collaborated with a theatre light engineer to emphasise the
show’s narrative arc. In March of 2024 the full LLouise band will tour through the
biggest Dutch cities.


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